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%%%create2$module(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
%%%open2$module(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
%%%verify$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker


add() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
add(element) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
add(element) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
add(index, element) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
addAndGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
addAndGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
addShutdownHook(ref) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Companion
addToValue(key, toBeAdded) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
advance() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
advance() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
advance() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
advance() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
advanceNode() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
advanceNode() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
afterReplayFinished() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
allocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
Allocate space in WAL
allocateData(size, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
allocateIncrement(incrementSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
allocateNewIndexPage() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
allocateNewIndexPage() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
allocateNewIndexPage() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
allocateNewPage() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
allocateNewPage() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
allocateNewPage() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
allocateRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
allocateStartSize(size) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
allSatisfy(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
anySatisfy(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
appendString(appendable, start, separator, end) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
arrayDelete() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
arrayDelete() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
arrayPut() - Static method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava
arrayPut() - Static method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava
arrayPut() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
ASSERT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
compile MapDB with assertions enabled
assertCurrentThreadUnlocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
assertFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
assertNotClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
assertZeroes() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Check that all bytes between given offsets are zero. This might cross 1MB boundaries
asSynchronized() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
asUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
Atomic - Class in org.mapdb
A small toolkit of classes that support lock-free thread-safe programming on single records. In essence, the classes here provide provide an atomic conditional update operation of the form: boolean compareAndSet(expectedValue, updateValue); This method (which varies in argument types across different classes) atomically sets a record to the updateValue if it currently holds the expectedValue, reporting true on success. Classes jere also contain methods to get and unconditionally set values. The specifications of these methods enable to employ more efficient internal DB locking. CompareAndSwap operation is typically faster than using transactions, global lock or other concurrent protection. Instances of classes Atomic.Boolean, Atomic.Integer, Atomic.Long, Atomic.String and Atomic.Var each provide access and updates to a single record of the corresponding type. Each class also provides appropriate utility methods for that type. For example, classes Atomic.Long and Atomic.Integer provide atomic increment methods. One application is to generate unique keys for Maps: Atomic.Long id = Atomic.getLong("mapId"); map.put(id.getAndIncrement(), "something"); Atomic classes are designed primarily as building blocks for implementing non-blocking data structures and related infrastructure classes. The compareAndSet method is not a general replacement for locking. It applies only when critical updates for an object are confined to a single record. Atomic classes are not general purpose replacements for java.lang.Integer and related classes. They do not define methods such as hashCode and compareTo. (Because atomic records are expected to be mutated, they are poor choices for hash table keys.) Additionally, classes are provided only for those types that are commonly useful in intended applications. Other types has to be wrapped into general Atomic.Var You can also hold floats using java.lang.Float#floatToIntBits and java.lang.Float#intBitsToFloat conversions, and doubles using java.lang.Double#doubleToLongBits and java.lang.Double#longBitsToDouble conversions.
Atomic.Boolean - Class in org.mapdb
A boolean record that may be updated atomically.
Atomic.Integer - Class in org.mapdb
An int record that may be updated atomically. An Atomic@Integer is used in applications such as atomically incremented counters, and cannot be used as a replacement for an java.lang.Integer. However, this class does extend Number to allow uniform access by tools and utilities that deal with numerically-based classes.
Atomic.Long - Class in org.mapdb
A long record that may be updated atomically. An Atomic#Long is used in applications such as atomically incremented sequence numbers, and cannot be used as a replacement for a java.lang.Long. However, this class does extend Number to allow uniform access by tools and utilities that deal with numerically-based classes.
Atomic.String - Class in org.mapdb
A String record that may be updated atomically.
Atomic.Var<E> - Class in org.mapdb
Atomically updated variable which may contain any type of record.
atomicBoolean(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
atomicBoolean(name, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
AtomicBooleanMaker(db, name, value) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
atomicInteger(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
atomicInteger(name, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
AtomicIntegerMaker(db, name, value) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
atomicLong(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
atomicLong(name, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
AtomicLongMaker(db, name, value) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
atomicString(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
atomicString(name, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
AtomicStringMaker(db, name, value) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
atomicVar(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
atomicVar(name, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
atomicVar(name, serializer, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
AtomicVarMaker(db, name, serializer, value) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker


beforeReplayStart() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
BIG_DECIMAL - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
BIG_INTEGER - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
BinaryGet() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.BinaryGet
Boolean() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
BOOLEAN - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Boolean whereby Booleans are serialized to a one byte format. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
BTreeBoundIterator(m, lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
btreeEntry(key, valueOrig) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
BTreeIterator(m) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
BTreeMap<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
A scalable concurrent {@link ConcurrentNavigableMap} implementation. The map is sorted according to the {@linkplain Comparable natural ordering} of its keys, or by a {@link Comparator} provided at map creation time.
BTreeMap(keySerializer, valueSerializer, rootRecidRecid, store, valueInline, maxNodeSize, comparator, isThreadSafe, counterRecid, hasValues, modificationListeners) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
A scalable concurrent {@link ConcurrentNavigableMap} implementation. The map is sorted according to the {@linkplain Comparable natural ordering} of its keys, or by a {@link Comparator} provided at map creation time.
BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMap.BTreeIterator<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMap.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMap.DescendingIterator<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
BTREEMAP_MAX_NODE_SIZE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
BTreeMapJava - Class in org.mapdb
Java code for BTreeMap. Mostly performance sensitive code.
BTreeMapJava.BinaryGet<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMapJava.ConcurrentNavigableMap2<K,V> - Interface in org.mapdb
BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMapJava.KeySet<E> - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMapJava.Node - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMapJava.NodeSerializer - Class in org.mapdb
BTreeMapJava.SubMap<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
buf - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
buf - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
buf - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
buffer - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
bump(nodeRecid, newTimestamp) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
BYTE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Byte whereby Bytes are serialized to a one byte format. This Serializer hashes Bytes using the original Byte#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
BYTE_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes byte[] it adds header which contains size information
BYTE_ARRAY_DELTA - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
BYTE_ARRAY_DELTA2 - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
BYTE_ARRAY_NOSIZE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes byte[] directly into underlying store It does not store size, so it can not be used in Maps and other collections.
ByteArray() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
ByteArray() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
ByteArrayVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
ByteArrayVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
ByteArrayVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
ByteBuffer() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
ByteBufferMemoryVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 3/13/16.
ByteBufferMemoryVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 3/13/16.
ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
ByteBufferVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Abstract Volume over bunch of ByteBuffers It leaves ByteBufferVol details (allocation, disposal) on subclasses. Most methods are final for better performance (JIT compiler can inline those).
ByteBufferVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
ByteBufferVolSingle - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Abstract Volume over single ByteBuffer, maximal size is 2GB (32bit limit). It leaves ByteBufferVol details (allocation, disposal) on subclasses. Most methods are final for better performance (JIT compiler can inline those).
ByteBufferVolSingle() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle


calculateChecksum() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
calculateCollisionSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
calculates number of collisions and total size of this set.
calculateFreeSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
calculateHeaderChecksum() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
cast() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
CatVal(msg, required) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
CC - Interface in org.mapdb
Compilation Configuration. Uses dead code elimination to remove `if(CONSTANT){code}` blocks
ceiling() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
ceilingEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
ceilingEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
ceilingEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
ceilingEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
ceilingKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
ceilingKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
ceilingKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
ceilingKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
channel - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
CHAR - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Character. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
CHAR_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes char[] it adds header which contains size information
CharArrayKeys() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
checkFolder() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
checkHiBound() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
checkIndex(index) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
checkLoBound() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
checkName(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
checkNotClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
checksum() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
checksumHeaderBypass() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
MapDB detects unclean shutdown (and possible data corruption) by Header Checksum. This checksum becomes invalid if store was modified, but not closed correctly. In that case MapDB will throw an exception and will refuse to open the store.
checksumStoreEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Enables store wide checksum. Entire file is covered by 64bit checksum to catch possible data corruption. This could be slow, since entire file is traversed to calculate checksum on store open, commit and close.
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrencyAware
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe($this) - Static method in class org.mapdb.ConcurrencyAware.DefaultImpls
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
checkThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
checks all subcomponents, if this component is really thread safe, and throws an exception if not thread safe
CLASS - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
classLoader - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
cleanerHackEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
cleanerHackEnabled - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
cleanerHackEnabled - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
clear(notifyListeners) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
clear() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
clear() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Set all bytes between startOffset and endOffset to zero. Area between offsets must be ready for write once clear finishes.
clear2(notifyListeners) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
clearInternal$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
clearOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
clearRAF() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
clearWithExpire() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
Removes all entries from this Map, and notifies listeners as if content has expired. This will cause expired content to overflow to secondary collections etc
clearWithoutNotification() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
Removes all entries from this Map, but does not notify modification listeners
clone() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Creates binary copy of given object. If the datatype is immutable the same instance might be returned
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.DataInputToStream
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
close() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
close() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
closed - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
closeOnJvmShutdown() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Adds JVM shutdown hook and closes DB just before JVM;
closeOnJvmShutdownWeakReference() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Adds JVM shutdown hook and closes DB just before JVM. This is similar to closeOnJvmShutdown(), but DB is referenced with WeakReference from shutdown hook and can be GCed. That might prevent memory leaks under some conditions, but does not guarantee DB will be actually closed.
collect(function) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
commit() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
commit() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
commit() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
commonPrefixLen() - Static method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta
commonPrefixLen() - Static method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta
commonPrefixLen() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
commonPrefixLen() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
commonPrefixLen() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
comp - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
compact() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
compact() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
compact() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
compact() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
compact() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
compact() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.DB
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
Represents null record, records map does not allow nulls
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
Companion - Static variable in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
Companion.Maker<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
COMPARABLE_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava
comparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
comparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
comparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
comparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
comparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
compare() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDoubleArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloatArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
compare() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
compare() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
compare() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
compareAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value == the expected value.
compareAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value == the expected value.
compareAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value == the expected value.
compareAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value equals the expected value.
compareAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
Atomically sets the value to the given updated value if the current value equals the expected value.
compareAndSwap(recid, expectedOldRecord, newRecord, serializer) - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
compareAndSwap(recid, expectedOldRecord, newRecord, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
compareAndSwap(recid, expectedOldRecord, newRecord, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
compareAndSwap(recid, expectedOldRecord, newRecord, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
compareAndSwap(recid, expectedOldRecord, newRecord, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
compareAndSwap(recid, expectedOldRecord, newRecord, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
compareInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUtils
component1() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
component1() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
component2() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
component2() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
component3() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
component4() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
componentType - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
compressLevel - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
ConcurrencyAware - Interface in org.mapdb
Concurrency aware, can verify that its configuration is thread safe
ConcurrencyAware.DefaultImpls - Class in org.mapdb
Concurrency aware, can verify that its configuration is thread safe
concurrencyDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
WARNING: this option is dangerous. With locks disabled multi-threaded access could cause data corruption and causes. MapDB does not have fail-fast iterator or any other means of protection
concurrencyScale(segmentCount) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
This value has to be power of two, so it is rounded up automatically.
ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra<K,V> - Interface in org.mapdb
contains() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
contains(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
contains(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
contains(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
containsKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
containsKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
containsKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
containsKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
containsKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
containsKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
containsValue(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
containsValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
containsValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
containsValue(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
containsValue(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
containsValue(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
copy(msg, required) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
copy(prevRecid, nextRecid, timestamp, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
copyBytes() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
copyFrom() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Copy content from InputStream into this Volume.
copyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
copyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
copyOfRange() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Transfers data from this Volume into target volume. If its possible, the implementation should override this method to enable direct memory transfer. Caller must respect slice boundaries. ie it is not possible to transfer data which cross slice boundaries.
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Copy content of this volume to another. Target volume might grow, but is never shrank. Target is also not synced
copyTo() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Copy content of this volume to OutputStream.
count(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
counterEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
counterEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
counterEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
counterEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
create() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
Creates new collection if it does not exist, or throw {@link DBException.WrongConfiguration} if collection already exists.
create() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
Creates new collection if it does not exist, or throw {@link DBException.WrongConfiguration} if collection already exists.
create() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
Creates new collection if it does not exist, or throw {@link DBException.WrongConfiguration} if collection already exists.
create() - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
create(volume, keySerializer, valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.Companion
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
create2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
createFrom(iterator) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
createFrom(pairs) - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
createFrom(map) - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
createFromSink() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
createFromSink(keySerializer, valueSerializer, volume, pageSize, nodeSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.Companion
createFromSink() - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
createOrOpen() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
Create new collection or open existing.
createOrOpen() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
Create new collection or open existing.
createOrOpen() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
Create new collection or open existing.
curVol - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog


data - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
DataCorruption(msg) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.DataCorruption
DataInput2 - Class in org.mapdb
Used for serialization
DataInput2.ByteArray - Class in org.mapdb
DataInput on top of byte[]
DataInput2.ByteBuffer - Class in org.mapdb
Wraps java.nio.ByteBuffer and provides DataInput
DataInput2.DataInputToStream - Class in org.mapdb
Wraps DataInput into InputStream
DataInput2.Stream - Class in org.mapdb
DataInputToStream() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DataInput2.DataInputToStream
DataIO - Class in org.mapdb
Various IO classes and utilities..
DataOutput2 - Class in org.mapdb
Output of serialization
DataOutput2() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
DATE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
DB - Class in org.mapdb
A database with easy access to named maps and other collections.
DB(store, storeOpened, isThreadSafe, classLoader, shutdownHook) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB
A database with easy access to named maps and other collections.
DB.AtomicBooleanMaker - Class in org.mapdb
DB.AtomicIntegerMaker - Class in org.mapdb
DB.AtomicLongMaker - Class in org.mapdb
DB.AtomicStringMaker - Class in org.mapdb
DB.AtomicVarMaker<E> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.CatVal - Class in org.mapdb
DB.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
DB.HashMapMaker<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.HashSetMaker<E> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.IndexTreeListMaker<E> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker - Class in org.mapdb
DB.Keys - Class in org.mapdb
DB.Maker<E> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.TreeMapMaker<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.TreeMapSink<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
DB.TreeSetMaker<E> - Class in org.mapdb
DBException - Exception in org.mapdb
Exception hierarchy for MapDB
DBException(message, cause) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException
Exception hierarchy for MapDB
DBException(message) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException
DBException.DataCorruption - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.FileLocked - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.GetVoid - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.Interrupted - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.NewMapDBFormat - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.NotSorted - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.OutOfMemory - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.PointerChecksumBroken - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.SerializationError - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.VolumeClosed - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.VolumeClosedByInterrupt - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.VolumeEOF - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.VolumeIOError - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.VolumeMaxSizeExceeded - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.WrongConfiguration - Exception in org.mapdb
DBException.WrongFormat - Exception in org.mapdb
DBMaker - Class in org.mapdb
DBMaker.Maker - Class in org.mapdb
DBMaker.StoreType - Enum in org.mapdb
decrementAndGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically decrements by one the current value.
decrementAndGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically decrements by one the current value.
DEFAULT_FILE_VOLUME_FACTORY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
DEFAULT_MEMORY_VOLUME_FACTORY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
defaultSerializerRegisterClass(clazz) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
Register Class with default POJO serializer. Class structure will be stored in store, and will save space for collections which do not use specialized serializer.
delete(recid, serializer) - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
delete(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
delete(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
delete(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
delete(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
delete(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
deleteFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
deleteFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
deleteFilesAfterClose() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
deleteKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
deleteKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
deleteKey() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
DescendingBoundIterator(m, lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
descendingEntryIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingEntryIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingEntryIterator() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
descendingEntryIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
descendingEntryIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingEntryIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
DescendingIterator(m) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
descendingIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
descendingKeyIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingKeyIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingKeyIterator() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
descendingKeyIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
descendingKeyIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingKeyIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
descendingKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
descendingKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingLeafIterator(hi) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
DescendingMap() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
descendingMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
descendingMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
descendingMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingNodeIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
descendingValueIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingValueIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
descendingValueIterator() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
descendingValueIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
descendingValueIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
descendingValueIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.NodeSerializer
deserialize(input, available) - Method in class org.mapdb.Node.SERIALIZER
deserialize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Deserializes and returns the content of the given DataInput2.
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBigDecimal
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBigInteger
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByte
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerChar
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDate
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDouble
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDoubleArray
deserialize(input, available) - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerElsa
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloat
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloatArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIllegalAccess
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerInteger
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerJava
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLong
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecidArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShort
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringAscii
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringIntern
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringNoSize
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringOrigHash
deserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
deserialize(serializer, di, size) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
deserializeFromLong() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Deserializes and returns the content of the given long.
destroyWalFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
detectIfNone(predicate, ifNone) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
dictionary - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
DOUBLE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Double whereby Doubles are serialized to an 8 byte format. The Serializer also stores the Float's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Doubles using the original Double#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
DOUBLE_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes double[] it adds header which contains size information
doubleValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
doubleValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long


each(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
ELSA - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
ensureAvail() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
make sure there will be enough space in buffer to write N bytes
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
ensureAvailable() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Check space allocated by Volume is bigger or equal to given offset. So it is safe to write into smaller offsets.
ensureFileReady() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
entryIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
entryIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
entryIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
entryIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
entryIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
entrySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
equals(other) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
equals(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
equals(other) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
equals(other) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
equals(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
equals() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Returns if the first and second arguments are equal to each other. Consequently, if both arguments are null, true is returned and if exactly one argument is null, false is returned.
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDoubleArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloatArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
equals() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
equals(other) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
equals(other) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
executorEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Enables background executor
exists(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
exists() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol.MappedFileFactory
exists(file) - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolumeFactory
exists() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory
expireAfterCreate() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterCreate(ttl) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterCreate(ttl, unit) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterCreate() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireAfterCreate(ttl) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireAfterCreate(ttl, unit) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireAfterGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterGet(ttl) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterGet(ttl, unit) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireAfterGet(ttl) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireAfterGet(ttl, unit) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireAfterUpdate() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterUpdate(ttl) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireAfterUpdate(ttl, unit) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireCompactThreshold(freeFraction) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireCompactThreshold(freeFraction) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireEvict() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
releases old stuff from queue
expireEvictEntry(segment, leafRecid, nodeRecid) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
expireEvictSegment(segment) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
expireExecutor(executor) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireExecutor(executor) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireExecutorPeriod(period) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireExecutorPeriod(period) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireId(nodeRecid, queue) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
expireMaxSize(maxSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireMaxSize(maxSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
expireNodeRecidFor(expireId) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
expireOverflow(overflowMap) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireQueueFor(segment, expireId) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
expireStoreSize(storeSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
expireStoreSize(storeSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker


FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
factory for DirectByteBuffer storage
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
FACTORY_WITH_CLEANER_HACK - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
factory for DirectByteBuffer storage
FACTORY_WITH_CLEANER_HACK - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
FAIR_LOCK - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
FEAT_CHECKSUM_MASK - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
FEAT_CHECKSUM_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
FEAT_ENCRYPT_MASK - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
FEAT_ENCRYPT_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
featureBitMap - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
file - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
file - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
file - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
file - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
FILE_HEADER - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
first byte on every file
FILE_TYPE_SORTED_MULTI - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
second byte in org.mapdb.SortedTableMap file format, with multiple tables (is probably writeable)
FILE_TYPE_SORTED_SINGLE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
second byte in org.mapdb.SortedTableMap file format, with only single table (is probably read only)
FILE_TYPE_SORTED_WAL - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
second byte in org.mapdb.SortedTableMap Write Ahead Log
FILE_TYPE_STOREDIRECT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
second byte in org.mapdb.StoreDirect file format
FILE_TYPE_STORETRIVIAL - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
second byte in org.mapdb.StoreTrivial file format
FILE_TYPE_STOREWAL_WAL - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
second byte in org.mapdb.StoreWAL write ahead log
fileChannel - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
fileChannelEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Enable FileChannel access. By default MapDB uses {@link}. whic is slower and more robust. but does not allow concurrent access (parallel read and writes). RAF is still thread-safe but has global lock. FileChannel does not have global lock, and is faster compared to RAF. However memory-mapped files are probably best choice.
FileChannelVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Volume which uses FileChannel. Uses global lock and does not use mapped memory.
FileChannelVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
FileChannelVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
fileDB(file) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
fileDB(file) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
fileDeleteAfterClose() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
fileDeleteAfterOpen() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
fileDeleteAfterOpen - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
fileHeaderCheck() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
fileHeaderCheck(header) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
fileHeaderCompose() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
fileHeaderCompose() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
fileLoad() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
If underlying storage is memory-mapped-file, this method will try to load and precache all file data into disk cache. Most likely it will call MappedByteBuffer#load(), but could also read content of entire file etc This method will not pin data into memory, they might be removed at any time.
fileLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
fileLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
fileLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
fileLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
fileLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
fileLockDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
FileLocked(path, exception) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.FileLocked
fileLockWait(timeout) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
fileLockWait() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
fileMmapEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
You may experience {@code java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Map failed} exception on 32bit JVM, if you enable this mode.
fileMmapEnableIfSupported() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Enable Memory Mapped Files only if current JVM supports it (is 64bit).
fileMmapPreclearDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
fileNum - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
fileOffset - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
fileOffsetLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
fileOffsetSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
fillLowBits() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
finalize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
findHigher(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
findHigher(key, inclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
findHigher(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
findHigherKey(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
findHigherKey(key, inclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
findHigherKey(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
findLattestCommitMarker$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
findLower(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
findLower(key, inclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
findLower(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
findLowerKey(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
findLowerKey(key, inclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
findLowerKey(key, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
first() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
firstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
firstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
firstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
firstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
firstKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
firstKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
firstKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
firstKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
firstKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
firstKey2() - Method in interface org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.ConcurrentNavigableMap2
firstKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
firstKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
firstKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
fixedSize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Returns the fixed size of the serialized form in bytes or -1 if the size is not fixed (e.g. for Strings). Some optimizations can be applied to serializers with a fixed size.
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByte
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerChar
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShort
fixedSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
FLOAT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Float whereby Floats are serialized to a 4 byte format. The Serializer also stores the Float's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Floats using the original Float#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
FLOAT_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
floatValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
floatValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
floor() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
floorEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
floorEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
floorEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
floorEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
floorKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
floorKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
floorKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
floorKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
forEach(action) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
forEach(action) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
forEach(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
forEach(action) - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
forEach(body) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
forEach(action) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
forEachKey(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
forEachKey(action) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
forEachKey(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
forEachKey(procedure) - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
forEachKey(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
forEachKeyValue(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
forEachValue(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
forEachValue(action) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
forEachValue(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
forEachValue(procedure) - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
forEachValue(procedure) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
freeSizeIncrement(increment) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
freeSizeIncrement(increment) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
freeSizeIncrement(increment) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
fromHexa() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Converts hexadecimal string into binary data


get() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
Returns the current value.
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Gets the current value.
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Gets the current value.
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
Returns the current value.
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
Returns the current value.
get(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.BinaryGet
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
get() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
get(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
get(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
get(index) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
get(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
get(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
get() - Method in interface org.mapdb.StoreBinaryGetLong
get(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
get(recid, serializer) - Method in interface org.mapdb.StoreImmutable
get(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
get(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
get(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
get(recid, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
get_keySerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
get_nodeSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
get_pageSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
get_storeFactory() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
get_storeFactory() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
get_valueSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
get_volume() - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
getAll() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getAllFiles() - Method in interface org.mapdb.StoreImmutable
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getAllFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
getAllNames() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getAllocatedPages() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getAllRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getAllRecids() - Method in interface org.mapdb.StoreImmutable
getAllRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
getAllRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
getAllRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
getAllRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getAndAdd() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
getAndAdd() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically adds the given value to the current value.
getAndDecrement() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically decrements by one the current value.
getAndDecrement() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically decrements by one the current value.
getAndIncrement() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically increments by one the current value.
getAndIncrement() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically increments by one the current value.
getAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
Atomically sets to the given value and returns the previous value.
getAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically sets to the given value and returns the old value.
getAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically sets to the given value and returns the old value.
getAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
Atomically sets to the given value and returns the previous value.
getAndSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
Atomically sets to the given value and returns the previous value.
getBinaryLong(recid, f) - Method in interface org.mapdb.StoreBinary
getBinaryLong(recid, f) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getCacheIndexLinks() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getCacheIndexVals() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
modified indexVals, key is offset, value is indexValue
getCacheRecords() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
modified records, key is offset, value is WAL ID
getCacheStacks() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
stack pages, key is offset, value is content
getChecksum() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getChecksumHeader() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getChecksumHeaderBypass() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getChildren() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.Node
getClassInfoSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getClassLoader() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getCollapseOnRemove() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getCOMMIT_MARKER_SUFFIX$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx.Companion
getComparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getComparator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getConcShift() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
concurrency shift, 1<
getConcShift() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getConcShift() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getCounter$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
getCounterRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getCounterRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getCounterRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
getCounterRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getCounterRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getCurrentLeaf() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getCurrentLeaf() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
getCurrentLeaf() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getCurrentLeaf() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
getCurrentPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getCurrentPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
getCurrentPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getCurrentPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getDATA_SUFFIX$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx.Companion
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getDataInput() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getDataInputOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getDataInputOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getDataInputOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
getDataInputOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getDataInputOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getDataTail() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
end of last record
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
getDb() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
getDefaultSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
Default serializer used if collection does not specify specialized serializer. It uses Elsa Serializer.
getDeleteFilesAfterClose() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
getDescLeafIter() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getDescLeafIter() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
getDirShift() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getDirShift() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getDirShift() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getEntries() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getEntries() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getEntries() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getExecutors() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
List of executors associated with this database. Those will be terminated on close()
getExpireCompactThreshold() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireCreateQueue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getExpireCreateQueues() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireCreateTTL() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getExpireCreateTTL() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireExecutor() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireExecutorPeriod() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireGetQueue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getExpireGetQueues() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireGetTTL() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getExpireGetTTL() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireMaxSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireStoreSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireUpdateQueue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getExpireUpdateQueues() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getExpireUpdateTTL() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getExpireUpdateTTL() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
returns underlying file if it exists
getFileDeleteAfterClose() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getFileLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
return true if this Volume holds exclusive lock over its file
getFileTail$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
end of file (last allocated page)
getFreeSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getFreeSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getHashSeed() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getHasValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getHasValues() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
getHasValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
getHasValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
getHasValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getHasValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getHead() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getHeadBytes() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
header is stored in-memory, so it can be rolled back
getHeadPrev() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getHeadPrevRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getHeadRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getHeadVol() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getHeadVol() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getHeadVol() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getHi() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getHi() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getHiC() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getHiInclusive() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getHiInclusive() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getIfAbsent(key, ifAbsent) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getIfAbsentPut(key, function) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getIfAbsentPut(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getIfAbsentPutWith(key, function, parameter) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getIfAbsentPutWithKey(key, function) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getIndexPages() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getIndexPagesBackup() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
backup for indexPages, restored on rollback
getIndexTrees() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getIndexVal(recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getIndexVal(recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getIndexVal(recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
getKeys() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getKeys() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getKeys() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getKeySerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getKeySerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getKeySerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getKeySerializer() - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
getKeySerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getKeyString() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
getKeyString() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
getKeyString() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
getLastReturnedKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getLastReturnedKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
getLastReturnedKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getLastReturnedKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
getLeafSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getLeftEdges() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
recids of left-most nodes in tree
getLevels() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getLevels() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getLevels() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getLo() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getLo() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getLoC() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getLock() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getLock() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
getLock() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
getLocks() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getLocks() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getLocks() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getLoInclusive() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getLoInclusive() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
getLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getM() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
getM() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
getM() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
getM() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
getMaker() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
getMaker() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
getMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
getMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
getMaxNodeSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getMaxNodeSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getMaxRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
maximal allocated recid
getMsg() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
getName() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
getNAME_CATALOG_SERIALIZER() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Companion
getNAMED_SERIALIZATION_HEADER() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Companion
getNameForObject(e) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getNamesInstanciated() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
Already loaded named collections. Values are weakly referenced. We need singletons for locking
getNextRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
getNO_VAL_SERIALIZER$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.Companion
getNodeSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getNumberOfFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
getOffset() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
getOffset() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
getOffset() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
getOrThrow(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getPackedLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getPackedLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getPackedLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Unpack long value from the Volume. Highest 4 bits reused to indicate number of bytes read from Volume. One can use result & DataIO.PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK to remove size;
getPageCount() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getPageKeys() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
first key at beginning of each page
getPageSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getPath() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
getPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
getPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
getPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
getPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
getPrevRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
getprotected(hash, key, updateQueue) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getQUEUE_CREATE() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.Companion
getQUEUE_GET() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.Companion
getQUEUE_UPDATE() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.Companion
getRealVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
getRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
getRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
getRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
getRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
getRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getRemoveCollapsesIndexTree() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getRequired() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
getRootRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getRootRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getRootRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getRootRecidRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getRootRecidRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getRootRecidRecid$module() - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
getRootRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getSegmentCount() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getSegmentMask() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getSegmentRecids() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getSer() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerElsa
getSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
getSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
getSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
getShutdownHook() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
type of shutdown hook,
getSixLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
getSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
getSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
getSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getSizeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getSlice() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
getSlice() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getStore() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getStore() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
getStore() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
getStore() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
getStore() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getStore() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
getStoreOpened() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
True if store existed before and was opened,
getStores() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getStructuralLock() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getTail() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getTailRecid() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
getTimestamp() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
getTOMB1() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL.Companion
getTotalSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
getType() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
getUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
getUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
getUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
getUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
getValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
getValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
getValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
getValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
getValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
getValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
getValueInline() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getValueInline() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getValueInline() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getValueLoader() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getValueNodeSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getValues() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getValueSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
getValueSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
getValueSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
getValueSerializer() - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
getValueSerializer() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
GetVoid(recid) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.GetVoid
getVolfab() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolumeFactory
getVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
getVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
getVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getVolumeExistsAtStart() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getVolumeFactory() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
getWal() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
getWalFileName() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
GroupSerializer<A> - Interface in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
GroupSerializerObjectArray<A> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
growLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
growLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
growLock - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol


handlesReadonly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol.MappedFileFactory
handlesReadonly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolumeFactory
handlesReadonly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory
hash(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
hash() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Calculates XXHash64 from this Volume content.
HASH_FACTORY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
hashCode() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Returns a hash code of a given non-null argument. The output of the method is affected by the given seed, allowing protection against crafted hash attacks and to provide a better distribution of hashes.
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDoubleArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloatArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringAscii
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringIntern
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringOrigHash
hashCode() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
hashMap(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
hashMap(name, keySerializer, valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
HashMapMaker(db, name, hasValues, _storeFactory) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
hashSeed(hashSeed) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
hashSeed(hashSeed) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
hashSet(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
hashSet(name, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
HashSetMaker(db, name, _storeFactory) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
hashToIndex(hash) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
hashToSegment(hash) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
hasNext() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
hasNext() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
hasUnicodeChars() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
hasUnicodeChars() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
hasUnicodeChars() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
headMap(toKey, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
headMap(toKey) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
headMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
headMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
headMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
headMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
headMap(toKey, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
headMap(toKey) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
headSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
headSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
heapDB() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
Creates new in-memory database which stores all data on heap without serialization. This mode should be very fast, but data will affect Garbage Collector the same way as traditional Java Collections.
heapShardedHashMap(concurrency) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
heapShardedHashSet(concurrency) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
hi - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
hi - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
higher() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
higherEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
higherEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
higherEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
higherEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
higherKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
higherKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
higherKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
higherKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
highKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.Node
hiInclusive - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
hiInclusive - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
htreeEntry(key, valueOrig) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
htreeIterator(segment, loadNext) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
HTreeMap<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
Concurrent HashMap which uses IndexTree for hash table
HTreeMap(keySerializer, valueSerializer, valueInline, concShift, dirShift, levels, stores, indexTrees, hashSeed, counterRecids, expireCreateTTL, expireUpdateTTL, expireGetTTL, expireMaxSize, expireStoreSize, expireCreateQueues, expireUpdateQueues, expireGetQueues, expireExecutor, expireExecutorPeriod, expireCompactThreshold, isThreadSafe, valueLoader, modificationListeners, closeable, hasValues) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
Concurrent HashMap which uses IndexTree for hash table
HTreeMap.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
HTreeMap.KeySet<K> - Class in org.mapdb
HTREEMAP_CONC_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
HTREEMAP_DIR_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
HTREEMAP_LEVELS - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC


I_BYTE_ARRAY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_COMMIT - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_EOF - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_LONG - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_PREALLOCATE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_RECORD - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_SKIP_MANY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_SKIP_SINGLE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
I_TOMBSTONE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
ILLEGAL_ACCESS - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that always throws an IllegalAccessError when invoked. This serializer can be used for testing and assertions.
in - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.DataInputToStream
incrementAndGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Atomically increments by one the current value.
incrementAndGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Atomically increments by one the current value.
INDEX_TREE_LONGLONGMAP_DIR_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
INDEX_TREE_LONGLONGMAP_LEVELS - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
indexOf(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
indexTreeList(name, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
indexTreeList(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
IndexTreeList<E> - Class in org.mapdb
ArrayList like structure backed by tree
IndexTreeList(store, serializer, map, counterRecid, isThreadSafe) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
ArrayList like structure backed by tree
IndexTreeListMaker(db, name, serializer) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
IndexTreeLongLongMap - Class in org.mapdb
Primitive Sorted Map
IndexTreeLongLongMap(store, rootRecid, dirShift, levels, collapseOnRemove) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
Primitive Sorted Map
IndexTreeLongLongMap.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker(db, name) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
indexValCompose(size, offset, linked, unused, archive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
indexValFlagArchive(indexValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
indexValFlagLinked(indexValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
indexValFlagUnused(indexValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
initFailedCloseFiles() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
injectInto(injectedValue, function) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.DB.Keys
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.Pump
Data streaming
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.Node.SERIALIZER
INT_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes int[] it adds header which contains size information
Integer() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
INTEGER - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Integer whereby Integers are serialized to a 4 byte format. This Serializer hashes Integers using the original Integer#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
INTEGER_DELTA - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Integer whereby Integers are serialized to a compressed byte format and neighboring Integers are delta encoded in BTreeMaps. Neighbors with a small delta can be encoded using a single byte. Smaller positive values occupy less than 4 bytes. Large and negative values could occupy 4 or 5 bytes. This Serializer hashes Integers using the original Integer#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
INTEGER_PACKED - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Integer whereby Integers are serialized to a compressed byte format.The Serializer also stores the Longs's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. Smaller positive values occupy less than 4 bytes. Large and negative values could occupy 4 or 5 bytes. This Serializer hashes Integers using the original Integer#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
internalByteArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
internalByteArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
internalByteArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
internalByteArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
internalByteBuffer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
internalByteBuffer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
internalByteBuffer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
internalByteBuffer() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
Interrupted(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.Interrupted
intHash() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
intToLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
converts 4 int bytes to lowest 4 long bytes. Does not preserve negative flag
intValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
intValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
isClosed() - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
isClosed() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
isClosed() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
isEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
isForegroundEviction() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
true if Eviction is executed inside user thread, as part of get/put etc operations
isReadOnly() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
isSliced() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrencyAware
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isThreadSafe() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
returns true if this is configured to be thread safe
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.NodeSerializer
isTrusted() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Returns if this Serializer is trusted to always read the same number of bytes as it writes for any given object being serialized/de-serialized. MapDB has a relaxed record size boundary checking. It expects deserializers to read exactly as many bytes as were written during serialization. If a deserializer reads more bytes than it wrote, it might start reading others record data in store. Some serializers (Kryo) have problems with this. To prevent this, we can not read data directly from a store, but we must copy them into separate byte[] buffers. Thus, zero-copy optimizations are disabled by default, but can be explicitly enabled here by letting this method return true. This flag indicates if this serializer was 'verified' to read as many bytes as it writes. It should also be much better tested etc.
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBigDecimal
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBigInteger
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByte
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerChar
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDoubleArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloatArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIllegalAccess
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShort
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringAscii
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringIntern
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringNoSize
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringOrigHash
isTrusted() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
iterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
iterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
iterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList


JAVA - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Serializable Java objects whereby the standard Java serialization will be applied using and methods. This Serializer hashes Objects using a specially tailored hash code method that, in turn, is using the objects own hashCode() If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.


keyIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
keyIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
keyIterator() - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
keyIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
keyIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
keyIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
keySerializer(keySerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
keySerializer(keySerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
keySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
keySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
keySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
keySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
KeySet(map) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
keySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
keySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
keysOffset() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
keysOffsetEnd() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
keysSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
keysView() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
keyValuesView() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap


last() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
lastChecksum - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
lastChecksumOffset - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
lastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
lastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
lastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
lastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
lastIndexOf(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
lastKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
lastKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
lastKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
lastKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
lastKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
lastKey2() - Method in interface org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.ConcurrentNavigableMap2
lastKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
lastKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
lastKey2() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
layout(concurrency, dirSize, levels) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
layout(concurrency, dirSize, levels) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
layout(dirSize, levels) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
layout(dirSize, levels) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
leafGet(store, leafRecid) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
length() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
length() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
linkedRecordDelete(indexValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
linkedRecordDelete(indexValue, recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
linkedRecordGet(indexValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
linkedRecordGet(indexValue, recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
linkedRecordPut(output, size) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
linkedRecordPut(output, size, recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
listenerNotify(key, oldValue, newValue, triggered) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
listenerNotify(key, oldValue, newValue, triggered) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
lo - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
lo - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
loadFrom(inStream) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
loadFrom(number) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
loadFromInternal(inStream) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
loadIndexPages(indexPages) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
loadKeys() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
loadVals(keysSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
lock(nodeRecid) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
LOG - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
LOG - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
LOG_VOLUME_GCED - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
LOG_WAL_CONTENT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
loInclusive - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
loInclusive - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
Long() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
LONG - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Long whereby Longs are serialized to an 8 byte format. The Serializer also stores the Longs's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Longs using the original Long#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
LONG_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes long[] it adds header which contains size information
LONG_DELTA - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Long whereby Longs are serialized to a compressed byte format and neighboring Longs are delta encoded in BTreeMaps. Neighbors with a small delta can be encoded using a single byte. Smaller positive values occupy less than 8 bytes. Large and negative values could occupy 8 or 9 bytes. This Serializer hashes Longs using the original Long#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
LONG_PACKED - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Long whereby Longs are serialized to a compressed byte format. The Serializer also stores the Longs's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. Smaller positive values occupy less than 8 bytes. Large and negative values could occupy 8 or 9 bytes. This Serializer hashes Longs using the original Long#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
longHash() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
longIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
longStackFindEnd(pageOffset, pos) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
longStackFindEnd(pageOffset, pos) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
longStackForEach(masterLinkOffset, body) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
longStackMasterLinkOffset(size) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
longStackNewChunk(masterLinkOffset, prevPageOffset, value, valueSize, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
longStackNewChunk(masterLinkOffset, prevPageOffset, value, valueSize, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
longStackPut(masterLinkOffset, value, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
longStackPut(masterLinkOffset, value, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
longStackPut(masterLinkOffset, value, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
longStackTake(masterLinkOffset, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
longStackTake(masterLinkOffset, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
longStackTake(masterLinkOffset, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
longValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
longValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
lower() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
lowerEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
lowerEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
lowerEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
lowerEntry(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
lowerKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
lowerKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
lowerKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
lowerKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
LZF - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper


m - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
m - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
m - Variable in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
make(keySerializer, valueSerializer, store, valueInline, rootRecidRecid, maxNodeSize, comparator, isThreadSafe, counterRecid, hasValues, modificationListeners) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.Companion
make() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
make() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
make(keySerializer, valueSerializer, valueInline, concShift, dirShift, levels, stores, indexTrees, hashSeed, counterRecids, expireCreateTTL, expireUpdateTTL, expireGetTTL, expireMaxSize, expireStoreSize, expireCreateQueues, expireUpdateQueues, expireGetQueues, expireExecutor, expireExecutorPeriod, expireCompactThreshold, isThreadSafe, valueLoader, modificationListeners, closeable) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.Companion
constructor with default values
make(store, rootRecid, dirShift, levels, collapseOnRemove) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap.Companion
constructor with default values
make(store, tailRecid, headRecid, headPrevRecid) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Companion
make(file, volumeFactory, fileLockWait, isReadOnly, isThreadSafe, concShift, allocateIncrement, allocateStartSize, fileDeleteAfterClose, fileDeleteAfterOpen, checksum, checksumHeader, checksumHeaderBypass) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect.Companion
make(file, volumeFactory, fileLockWait, isThreadSafe, concShift, allocateIncrement, allocateStartSize, fileDeleteAfterClose, fileDelteAfterOpen, checksum, checksumHeader, checksumHeaderBypass) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL.Companion
make2(create) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
makeOrGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
Maker() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
Maker(_storeType, _customVolume, _volumeExist, file) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Maker(_volume, _keySerializer, _valueSerializer) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
Maker() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
makeVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol.MappedFileFactory
makeVolume(file, readOnly, fileLockWait, sliceShift, initSize, fixedSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolumeFactory
makeVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory
makeVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory
makeVolume() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory
MapExtra<K,V> - Interface in org.mapdb
Extra methods for Map interface
mapMode - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
mapMode - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
MapModificationListener<K,V> - Interface in org.mapdb
Callback interface for MapExtra modification notifications.
MappedFileFactory() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol.MappedFileFactory
MappedFileVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
MappedFileVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
MappedFileVol.MappedFileFactory - Class in org.mapdb.volume
MappedFileVolSingle - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
MappedFileVolSingle() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
max() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
MAX_FILE_RESERVE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
MAX_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
maxNodeSize(size) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
maxNodeSize(size) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
maxSize - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
memoryDB() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
Creates new in-memory database. Changes are lost after JVM exits. This option serializes data into {@code byte[]}, so they are not affected by Garbage Collector.
memoryDirectDB() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
memoryShardedHashMap(concurrency) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
memoryShardedHashSet(concurrency) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
min() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
modificationListener(listener) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
modificationListener(listener) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
modify() - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapModificationListener
moveToNext() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
moveToPrev() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator


nameCatalogGet(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogGetClass(nameCatalog, key) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogLoad() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogLoadLocked() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogParamsFor(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogPutClass(nameCatalog, key, obj) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogSave(nameCatalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogSaveLocked(nameCatalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
nameCatalogVerifyGetMessages() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
verifies name catalog is valid (all parameters are known and have required values). If there are problems, it return list of messages
navigableKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
navigableKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
navigableKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
navigableKeySet() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
needsAvailableSizeHint() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
TODO: Document this method
needsAvailableSizeHint() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
needsAvailableSizeHint() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringNoSize
NewMapDBFormat(message) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.NewMapDBFormat
NewMapDBFormat() - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.NewMapDBFormat
nextPowTwo() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
nextPowTwo() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
nextValue() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
returns value+1, or null if there is no bigger value.
nextValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
nextValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
nextValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
nextValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
nextValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
nextValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
Node(prevRecid, nextRecid, timestamp, value) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
Node.SERIALIZER - Class in org.mapdb
nodeIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
nodeIterator(lo) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
NodeIterator(map, pageOffset, pageWithHeadOffset, pageNodeCount, node) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
nodeSearch(key, offset, offsetWithHead, nodeCount) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
nodeSize(nodeSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
noneSatisfy(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
NOREPLAY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
does nothing
NotSorted() - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.NotSorted


open() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
Open existing collection, or throw {@link DBException.WrongConfiguration} if collection already exists.
open() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
Open existing collection, or throw {@link DBException.WrongConfiguration} if collection already exists.
open() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
Open existing collection, or throw {@link DBException.WrongConfiguration} if collection already exists.
open(volume, keySerializer, valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.Companion
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicBooleanMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicIntegerMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicLongMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicStringMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.AtomicVarMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
open2(catalog) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
org.mapdb - package org.mapdb
org.mapdb.serializer - package org.mapdb.serializer
org.mapdb.volume - package org.mapdb.volume
OutOfMemory(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.OutOfMemory


pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDate
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDouble
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloat
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerInteger
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLong
pack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
PACK_LONG_RESULT_MASK - Static variable in class org.mapdb.DataIO
packInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Pack int into an output stream. It will occupy 1-5 bytes depending on value (lower values occupy smaller space)
packInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
packInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
packIntBigger() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Pack int into an output stream. It will occupy 1-5 bytes depending on value (lower values occupy smaller space) This method is same as DataIO.packInt, but is optimized for values larger than 127. Usually it is recids.
packIntBigger() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
packLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Pack long into output. It will occupy 1-10 bytes depending on value (lower values occupy smaller space)
packLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Pack long into output. It will occupy 1-10 bytes depending on value (lower values occupy smaller space)
packLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
packLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
packLongArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
packLongSize() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Calculate how much bytes packed long consumes.
packRecid() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Pack RECID into output stream with 3 bit checksum. It will occupy 1-10 bytes depending on value (lower values occupy smaller space)
PAGE_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
PAGE_SIZE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
pageSize(pageSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
PARANOID - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
compile MapDB with paranoid mode enabled
parity16Get() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity16Set() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity1Get() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity1Get() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity1Set() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity1Set() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity3Get() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity3Set() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity4Get() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
parity4Set() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
PointerChecksumBroken() - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.PointerChecksumBroken
pointerFileBites - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
pointerFileMask - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
pointerOffsetBites - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
pointerOffsetMask - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
pointerSizeBites - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
pointerSizeMask - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
pollFirst() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
pollFirstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
pollFirstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
pollFirstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
pollFirstEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
pollLast() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
pollLastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
pollLastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
pollLastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
pollLastEntry() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
pos - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
pos - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
pos - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
preallocate() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
preallocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
preallocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
preallocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
preallocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
preallocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
preclearDisabled - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
prefixSubMap(prefix) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
prefixSubMap(prefix, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
printContent(out) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
printStructure(out) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
Pump - Class in org.mapdb
Data streaming
Pump.Sink<E,R> - Class in org.mapdb
put(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
put() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
put() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
put(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapSink
put(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
put(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
put(e) - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
put(timestamp, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
puts Node into queue, returns recid which represents this node
put(timestamp, value, nodeRecid) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
puts Node into queue, returns recid which represents this node
put(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
put(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.Sink
put(record, serializer) - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
put(record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
put(record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
put(record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
put(record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
put(record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
put2(key, value, onlyIfAbsent) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
putAll(from) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
putAll(map) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapSink
putAll(from) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
putAll(map) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
putAll(i) - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
putAll(i) - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
putAll(from) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
putByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putData() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putDataOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
putDataOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putDataOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
putDataOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putDataOverlap() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putEmptyRoot$module(store, keySerializer, valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.Companion
putIfAbsent(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
putIfAbsent() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
putIfAbsent() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
putIfAbsent(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
putIfAbsent(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
putIfAbsentBoolean(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
Atomically associates the specified key with the given value if it is not already associated with a value.
putIfAbsentBoolean(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
Atomically associates the specified key with the given value if it is not already associated with a value.
putIfAbsentBoolean(key, value) - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
Atomically associates the specified key with the given value if it is not already associated with a value.
putIfAbsentBoolean(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
Atomically associates the specified key with the given value if it is not already associated with a value.
putInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
putInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
putKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
putKey() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
putKey() - Static method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
putKey() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
putLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
putLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
putLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putPackedLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putPackedLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putPackedLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
Put packed long at given position.
putprotected(hash, key, value, triggered) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
putSixLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
putSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putSixLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
putUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
putUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
putUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
putUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume


QueueLong - Class in org.mapdb
FIFO Queue with option to remove element from middle
QueueLong(store, tailRecid, headRecid, headPrevRecid) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.QueueLong
FIFO Queue with option to remove element from middle
QueueLong.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
QueueLong.Node - Class in org.mapdb
QueueLongTakeUntil - Interface in org.mapdb
Callback interface for QueueLong


raf - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
raf - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
raf - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
RandomAccessFileVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
RandomAccessFileVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
read() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.DataInputToStream
read() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.DataInputToStream
readBoolean() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readBoolean() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readBoolean() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readChar() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readChar() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readChar() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readDouble() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
readFloat() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
readFully() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readFully() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readFully() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
readFully() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readFully() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
readFully() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
readFully() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
readInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readLine() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
readLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readOnly() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
Open store in read-only mode. Any modification attempt will throw UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only")
readOnly - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
readOnly - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
readOnly - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
readOnly - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
ReadOnlyVolume - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
ReadOnlyVolume() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
ReadOnlyVolumeFactory - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Wraps volume factory and returns volume as readonly
ReadOnlyVolumeFactory(volfab) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolumeFactory
Wraps volume factory and returns volume as readonly
readShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
readUTF() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
recid - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
recid - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
recid - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
recid - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
recid - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
RECID - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Long used as a recid whereby recids are serialized to an eight byte format including a checksum. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
RECID_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null arrays of longs used as a recids whereby recids are serialized to an eight byte format including a checksum. If a null array is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown. If an array that contains a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
RECID_CLASS_INFOS - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
RECID_MAX_RESERVED - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
RECID_NAME_CATALOG - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
recidToOffset(recid2) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
recidToSegment(recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
reject(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
reject(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
releaseData(size, offset, recursive) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
releaseRecid(recid) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
remove(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
remove(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
remove() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
remove(element) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
remove(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
remove(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
remove(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
remove(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
remove(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
remove(nodeRecid, removeNode) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
remove(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
remove(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
removeAt(index) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
removeCollapsesIndexTreeDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
removeCollapsesIndexTreeDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
removeCollapsesIndexTreeDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeListMaker
removeCollapsesIndexTreeDisable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.IndexTreeLongLongMapMaker
removeKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
removeKeyIfAbsent(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
removeOrReplace(key, expectedOldValue, replaceWithValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
removeprotected(hash, key, evicted) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
replace(key, oldValue, newValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
replace(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
replace() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
replace() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
replace() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
replace() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
replace(key, oldValue, newValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
replace(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
replace(key, oldValue, newValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
replace(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
replayWAL() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
rollback() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
rollback() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
rollback() - Method in interface org.mapdb.StoreTx
rollback() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
rollback() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
rollback() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
roundDown() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
roundDown() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
roundUp() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
roundUp() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO


saveTo(outStream) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
seal() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
select(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
select(predicate) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
ser - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
SerializationError(msg, e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.SerializationError
SerializationError(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.SerializationError
SerializationError(msg) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.SerializationError
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.NodeSerializer
serialize(out, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.Node.SERIALIZER
serialize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializes the content of the given value into the given DataOutput2.
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBigDecimal
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBigInteger
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByte
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayNoSize
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerChar
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCharArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDate
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDouble
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDoubleArray
serialize(out, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerElsa
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloat
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloatArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIllegalAccess
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerInteger
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerJava
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLong
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecidArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShort
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerShortArray
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringAscii
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
serialize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringIntern
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringNoSize
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringOrigHash
serialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
serialize(record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
serializer - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
serializer(serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
serializer(serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
Serializer<A> - Interface in org.mapdb
This interface specifies how Java Objects are serialized and de-serialized and also how objects are compared, hashed and tested for equality for use with MapDB. Implementing classes do not have to be thread safe.
serializer - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
serializer - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
serializer - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
SerializerArray<T> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Serializes an object array of non-primitive objects. This serializer takes two parameters: - serializer used for each component - componentType is class used to instantiate arrays. Generics are erased at runtime, this class controls what type of array will be instantiated. See java.lang.reflect.Array#newInstance(Class, int)
SerializerArray() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
Wraps given serializer and produces Object[] serializer. To produce array with different component type, specify extra class.
SerializerArray() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArray
Wraps given serializer and produces array serializer.
SerializerArrayDelta<T> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerArrayDelta() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayDelta
SerializerArrayTuple - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Serializer for tuples. It serializes fixed size array, where each array index can use different serializer. It takes array of serializes in constructor parameter. All tuples (arrays) must have the same size.
SerializerArrayTuple() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
SerializerArrayTuple() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
SerializerBigDecimal - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerBigInteger - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerBoolean - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerByte - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerByteArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerByteArrayDelta - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
SerializerByteArrayDelta2 - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
SerializerByteArrayNoSize - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerChar - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerCharArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerClass - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Serialier for class. It takes a class loader as constructor param, by default it uses Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
SerializerClass() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
SerializerClass() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerClass
SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper<E> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
wraps another serializer and (de)compresses its output/input using Deflate
SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
SerializerCompressionWrapper<E> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
wraps another serializer and (de)compresses its output/input
SerializerCompressionWrapper() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
SerializerDate - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerDouble - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerDoubleArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerEightByte<E> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
SerializerElsa - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Uses Elsa serialization:
SerializerElsa() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerElsa
Uses Elsa serialization:
SerializerFloat - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerFloatArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
serializerForClass() - Static method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUtils
SerializerFourByte<E> - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerIllegalAccess - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerIntArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerInteger - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
SerializerIntegerDelta - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerIntegerPacked - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerJava - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerLong - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerLongArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerLongDelta - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerLongPacked - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerRecid - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerRecidArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerShort - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerShortArray - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerString - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
SerializerStringAscii - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerStringDelta - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
SerializerStringDelta2 - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
SerializerStringDelta2.ByteArrayKeys - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
SerializerStringDelta2.CharArrayKeys - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
SerializerStringDelta2.StringArrayKeys - Interface in org.mapdb.serializer
SerializerStringIntern - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerStringNoSize - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerStringOrigHash - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerUtils - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
SerializerUUID - Class in org.mapdb.serializer
Created by jan on 2/28/16.
set() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
Unconditionally sets to the given value.
set() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Sets to the given value.
set() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Sets to the given value.
set() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
Unconditionally sets to the given value.
set() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
Unconditionally sets to the given value.
set(index, element) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
set_nodeSize(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
set_pageSize(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.Companion.Maker
setCounter$module(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
setCurrentLeaf(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
setCurrentLeaf(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
setCurrentLeaf(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
setCurrentLeaf(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
setCurrentPos(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
setCurrentPos(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
setCurrentPos(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
setCurrentPos(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
setDataTail(v) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
end of last record
setFileTail$module(v) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
end of file (last allocated page)
setHead(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
setHeadPrev(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
setIndexPagesBackup(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
backup for indexPages, restored on rollback
setIndexVal(recid, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
setIndexVal(recid, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
setIndexVal(recid, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
setLastReturnedKey(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeBoundIterator
setLastReturnedKey(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.BTreeIterator
setLastReturnedKey(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingBoundIterator
setLastReturnedKey(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap.DescendingIterator
setMaxRecid(v) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
maximal allocated recid
setNamesInstanciated(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
Already loaded named collections. Values are weakly referenced. We need singletons for locking
setPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
setPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
setPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
setPos() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
setRootRecidRecid$module(p) - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
setSize(size) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
setTail(value) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
shift() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
SHORT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null Short whereby Shorts are serialized to a 2 byte format. The Serializer also stores the Short's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Shorts using the original Short#hashCode() method. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
SHORT_ARRAY - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
SingleByteArrayVol - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Volume backed by on-heap byte[] with maximal fixed size 2GB. For thread-safety it can not be grown
SingleByteArrayVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
SingleByteArrayVol() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
Sink() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Pump.Sink
Sink() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.Sink
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap.KeySet
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeList
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
size - Variable in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
size() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
size - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
sizeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
map size as long number
sizeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
sizeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
sizeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
map size as long number
sizeLong() - Method in interface org.mapdb.MapExtra
map size as long number
sizeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
map size as long number
sizeMask - Variable in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
skip() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.DataInputToStream
skipBytes() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
skipBytes() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
skipBytes() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
skipFully() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
slices - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
slices - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
sliceShift - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
sliceShift - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
sliceSize - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
sliceSize - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVolSingle
sliceSize - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
sliceSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
sliceSizeModMask - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
sliceSizeModMask - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
SortedTableMap<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
Read only Sorted Table Map. It stores data in table and uses binary search to find records
SortedTableMap(keySerializer, valueSerializer, pageSize, volume, hasValues) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
Read only Sorted Table Map. It stores data in table and uses binary search to find records
SortedTableMap.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
SortedTableMap.NodeIterator - Class in org.mapdb
SortedTableMap.Sink<K,V> - Class in org.mapdb
startNextFile() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
store - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
store - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
store - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
store - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
store - Variable in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
Store - Interface in org.mapdb
Stores records, mutable version
STORE_DIRECT_CONC_SHIFT - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
StoreBinary - Interface in org.mapdb
StoreBinaryGetLong - Interface in org.mapdb
Binary operations performed on StoreBinary which retuns long
StoreDirect - Class in org.mapdb
Store which uses binary storage (file, memory buffer...) and updates records on place. It has memory allocator, so it reuses space freed by deletes and updates.
StoreDirect(file, volumeFactory, isReadOnly, fileLockWait, isThreadSafe, concShift, allocateIncrement, allocateStartSize, fileDeleteAfterClose, fileDeleteAfterOpen, checksum, checksumHeader, checksumHeaderBypass) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
Store which uses binary storage (file, memory buffer...) and updates records on place. It has memory allocator, so it reuses space freed by deletes and updates.
StoreDirect.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
StoreDirectAbstract - Class in org.mapdb
Common utils for StoreDirect, StoreWAL and StoreCached
StoreDirectAbstract(file, volumeFactory, isThreadSafe, concShift, fileDeleteAfterClose, checksum, checksumHeader, checksumHeaderBypass) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
Common utils for StoreDirect, StoreWAL and StoreCached
storeHeaderCompose() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirectAbstract
StoreImmutable - Interface in org.mapdb
Stores records
StoreOnHeap - Class in org.mapdb
Store which does not use serialization, but puts everything into on-heap Map.
StoreOnHeap(isThreadSafe) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
Store which does not use serialization, but puts everything into on-heap Map.
StoreOnHeap() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
Store which does not use serialization, but puts everything into on-heap Map.
StoreOnHeap.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
Represents null record, records map does not allow nulls
StoreReadOnlyWrapper - Class in org.mapdb
Wraps Store and throws UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only") on operations which would modify it
StoreReadOnlyWrapper(store) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
Wraps Store and throws UnsupportedOperationException("Read-only") on operations which would modify it
StoreTrivial - Class in org.mapdb
Store which serializes its content into primitive Map. It optionally persist its content into file, in this case it supports rollback and durability.
StoreTrivial(isThreadSafe) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
Store which serializes its content into primitive Map. It optionally persist its content into file, in this case it supports rollback and durability.
StoreTrivial() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
Store which serializes its content into primitive Map. It optionally persist its content into file, in this case it supports rollback and durability.
StoreTrivial.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
StoreTrivialTx - Class in org.mapdb
StoreTrivialTx(file, isThreadSafe, deleteFilesAfterClose) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreTrivialTx
StoreTrivialTx.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
StoreTx - Interface in org.mapdb
Stores records, transactional version
StoreType() - Constructor for enum org.mapdb.DBMaker.StoreType
StoreWAL - Class in org.mapdb
StoreDirect with write ahead log
StoreWAL(file, volumeFactory, fileLockWait, isThreadSafe, concShift, allocateIncrement, allocateStartSize, fileDeleteAfterClose, fileDeleteAfterOpen, checksum, checksumHeader, checksumHeaderBypass) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
StoreDirect with write ahead log
StoreWAL.Companion - Class in org.mapdb
Stream() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
String() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
STRING - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a UTF-8 encoded format. The Serializer also stores the String's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Strings using a specially tailored hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING_ORIGHASH Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
STRING_ASCII - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a ASCII encoded format (8 bit character) which is faster than using a UTF-8 format. The Serializer also stores the String's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Strings using a specially tailored hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING_ORIGHASH Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
STRING_DELTA - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a UTF-8 encoded format. The Serializer also stores the String's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. Neighboring strings may be delta encoded for increased storage efficency. This Serializer hashes Strings using a specially tailored hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING_ORIGHASH Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
STRING_DELTA2 - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a UTF-8 encoded format. The Serializer also stores the String's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. Neighboring strings may be delta encoded for increased storage efficency. This Serializer hashes Strings using a specially tailored hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING_ORIGHASH Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
STRING_INTERN - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a UTF-8 encoded format. The Serializer also stores the String's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. Neighboring strings may be delta encoded for increased storage efficency. Deserialized strings are automatically interned String#intern() allowing a more heap space efficient storage for repeated strings. This Serializer hashes Strings using a specially tailored hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING_ORIGHASH Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
STRING_NOSIZE - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a UTF-8 encoded format. The Serializer does not store the String's size, thereby preventing it from being used as a GroupSerializer. This Serializer hashes Strings using the original hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
STRING_ORIGHASH - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
A predefined Serializer that handles non-null String whereby Strings are serialized to a UTF-8 encoded format. The Serializer also stores the String's size, allowing it to be used as a GroupSerializer in BTreeMaps. This Serializer hashes Strings using the original hash code method as opposed to the Serializer#STRING Serializer. If a null value is passed to the Serializer, a NullPointerException will be thrown.
subMap(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
subMap(fromKey, toKey) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
subMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
subMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
SubMap() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
subMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
subMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
subMap(fromKey, fromInclusive, toKey, toInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
subMap(fromKey, toKey) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
subSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
subSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
sum() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
sync() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog


tailMap(fromKey, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
tailMap(fromKey) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
tailMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
tailMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.DescendingMap
tailMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
tailMap() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.SubMap
tailMap(fromKey, inclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
tailMap(fromKey) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
tailSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
tailSet() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
take() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
take() - Method in interface org.mapdb.QueueLongTakeUntil
takeUntil(f) - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
Takes elements, until callback returns true. When callback returns false, last node is preserved in Queue
tempFileDB() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
Creates new database in temporary folder. Files are deleted after store was closed
toArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
toArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.KeySet
toArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
toByte() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
toByte() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
toHexa() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Converts binary array into its hexadecimal representation.
toImmutable() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Boolean
Returns the String representation of the current value.
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Integer
Returns the String representation of the current value.
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Long
Returns the String representation of the current value.
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.String
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.CatVal
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong.Node
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
toString() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
transactionEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker.Maker
treeMap(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
treeMap(name, keySerializer, valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
treeMap(store, keySerializer, valueSerializer, comparator, leafNodeSize, dirNodeSize) - Method in class org.mapdb.Pump
TreeMapMaker(db, name, hasValues) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
TreeMapSink() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapSink
treeSet(name) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
treeSet(name, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB
TreeSetMaker(db, name) - Constructor for class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteArrayVol
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVol
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.MappedFileVolSingle
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.RandomAccessFileVol
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.SingleByteArrayVol
truncate() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume


unlock(nodeRecid) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
unlockAllCurrentThread() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
unmap() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferVol
Hack to unmap MappedByteBuffer. Unmap is necessary on Windows, otherwise file is locked until JVM exits or BB is GCed. There is no public JVM API to unmap buffer, so this tries to use SUN proprietary API for unmap. Any error is silently ignored (for example SUN API does not exist on Android).
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDate
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDouble
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloat
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerInteger
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLong
unpack() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
unpackInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
unpackInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
unpackInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
unpackInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
unpackInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Unpack int value from the input stream.
unpackInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Unpack int value from the input stream.
unpackInt() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
unpackIntArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
unpackIntArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
unpackIntArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
unpackIntArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
unpackLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
unpackLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
unpackLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
unpackLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
unpackLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Unpack long value from the input stream.
unpackLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Unpack long value from the input stream.
unpackLong() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
unpackLongArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
unpackLongArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
unpackLongArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
unpackLongArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
unpackLongArrayDeltaCompression() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
unpackLongArrayDeltaCompression() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
unpackLongArrayDeltaCompression() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
unpackLongArrayDeltaCompression() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
unpackLongSkip() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteArray
unpackLongSkip() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.ByteBuffer
unpackLongSkip() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2.Stream
unpackLongSkip() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataInput2
unpackRecid() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
Unpack RECID value from the input stream with 3 bit checksum.
UNSAFE_VOL_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.mapdb.volume.Volume
If sun.misc.Unsafe is available it will use Volume based on Unsafe. If Unsafe is not available for some reason (Android), use DirectByteBuffer instead.
update(recid, record, serializer) - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
update(recid, record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
update(recid, record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
update(recid, record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
update(recid, record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
update(recid, record, serializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
updateValue(key, initialValueIfAbsent, function) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
useDirectBuffer - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVol
useDirectBuffer - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ByteBufferMemoryVolSingle
UUID - Variable in interface org.mapdb.Serializer
Serializers java.util.UUID class


valsOffset() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
valsOffsetEnd() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap.NodeIterator
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
valueArrayBinaryGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerInteger
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLong
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
valueArrayBinarySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayCopyOfRange() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayDeleteValue() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayDelta
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerJava
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayDeserialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayEmpty() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayFromArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayGet() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayGet() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayPut() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayPut() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArraySearch() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArraySearch() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDate
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerDouble
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFloat
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerInteger
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLong
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArraySearch() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArraySerialize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayDelta
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerDelta
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerIntegerPacked
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerJava
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongDelta
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerLongPacked
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerRecid
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArraySerialize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArraySize() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArraySize() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueArrayToArray() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayToArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in interface org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializer
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.GroupSerializerObjectArray
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerArrayTuple
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerBoolean
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArray
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerByteArrayDelta2
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionDeflateWrapper
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerCompressionWrapper
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerEightByte
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerFourByte
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerString
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerStringDelta2
valueArrayUpdateVal() - Method in class org.mapdb.serializer.SerializerUUID
valueExpand(v) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
valueInline() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
valueIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
valueIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
valueIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in interface org.mapdb.ConcurrentNavigableMapExtra
valueIterator() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
valueIterator(lo, loInclusive, hi, hiInclusive) - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
valueLoader(valueLoader) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
values() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
values() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
values() - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
values() - Method in class org.mapdb.SortedTableMap
valuesArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
valueSerializer(valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
valueSerializer(valueSerializer) - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
valuesOutsideNodesEnable() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeMapMaker
valueUnwrap(segment, wrappedValue) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
valueWrap(segment, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
Var() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.Atomic.Var
Verifiable - Interface in org.mapdb
Class can verify its status and data integrity: collections, Stores...
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMap
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashMapMaker
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.HashSetMaker
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.Maker
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.DB.TreeSetMaker
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.HTreeMap
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.QueueLong
verify() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Store
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreDirect
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreOnHeap
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreReadOnlyWrapper
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreTrivial
verify() - Method in class org.mapdb.StoreWAL
verify() - Method in interface org.mapdb.Verifiable
verifyNode() - Method in class org.mapdb.BTreeMapJava.Node
vol - Variable in class org.mapdb.volume.ReadOnlyVolume
Volume - Class in org.mapdb.volume
MapDB abstraction over raw storage (file, disk partition, memory etc...). Implementations needs to be thread safe (especially 'ensureAvailable') operation. However updates do not have to be atomic, it is clients responsibility to ensure two threads are not writing/reading into the same location.
VOLUME_PRINT_STACK_AT_OFFSET - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
Will print stack trace of all operations which are write any data at given offset Used for debugging.
VolumeClosed(msg, e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeClosed
VolumeClosed(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeClosed
VolumeClosed(msg) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeClosed
VolumeClosedByInterrupt(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeClosedByInterrupt
volumeDB(volume, volumeExists) - Method in class org.mapdb.DBMaker
VolumeEOF(msg, e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeEOF
VolumeEOF(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeEOF
VolumeEOF(msg) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeEOF
VolumeFactory - Class in org.mapdb.volume
Created by jan on 2/29/16.
VolumeIOError(msg, e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeIOError
VolumeIOError(e) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeIOError
VolumeIOError(msg) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeIOError
VolumeMaxSizeExceeded(length, requestedLength) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.VolumeMaxSizeExceeded
volumes - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog


WAL_HEADER - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
4 byte file header
WAL_SEAL - Static variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walGetByteArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
Retrieve DataInput from WAL. This data were written by WriteAheadLog.walPutByteArray
walGetByteArray2() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
Retrieve byte[] from WAL. This data were written by WriteAheadLog.walPutByteArray
walGetRecord() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPointer() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPointerToFileNum() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPointerToOffset() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPointerToSize() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPutByteArray() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
Puts instruction into WAL. It should write part of byte[] at given offset. This value returns pointer to WAL, which can be used to retrieve data back with WriteAheadLog.walGetByteArray. Pointer is composed of file number, and offset in WAL file.
walPutLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
Put 8 byte long into WAL.
walPutPreallocate() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPutRecord() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walPutTombstone() - Method in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
walRec - Variable in class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
record WALs, store recid-record pairs. Created during compaction when memory allocator is not available
withKeyValue(key, value) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
withoutAllKeys(keys) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
withoutKey(key) - Method in class org.mapdb.IndexTreeLongLongMap
wrap() - Static method in class org.mapdb.volume.VolumeFactory
write() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
write() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
write() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
WriteAheadLog - Class in org.mapdb
WAL shared between StoreWAL
WriteAheadLog() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
WriteAheadLog() - Constructor for class org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog
WriteAheadLog.WALReplay - Interface in org.mapdb
writeBoolean() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeByte() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeByteArray() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
writeBytes() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeChar() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeChars() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeDouble() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeFloat() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeFully() - Static method in class org.mapdb.DataIO
writeFully() - Method in class org.mapdb.volume.FileChannelVol
writeInt() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeLong() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeLong() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
writePreallocate() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
writeRecord() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
writeShort() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
writeTombstone() - Method in interface org.mapdb.WriteAheadLog.WALReplay
writeUTF() - Method in class org.mapdb.DataOutput2
WrongConfiguration(message) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.WrongConfiguration
WrongFormat(msg) - Constructor for exception org.mapdb.DBException.WrongFormat


ZEROS - Variable in interface org.mapdb.CC
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