Scala has weakly typed syntax

I recently gave a talk named “Scala vs Kotlin vs Java8” at Geecon conference. It compared three languages for the purposes of practical, daily programming. Video from this talk will be available in a few weeks. This blog post is based on code examples from this talk.

Scala was build from the beginning as “Scalable language”. It was designed to support many use cases, not just the relatively narrow “java replacement” use. Bellow is a quote from Martin Odersky:

The name Scala stands for “scalable language.” The language is so named because it was designed to grow with the demands of its users. You can apply Scala to a wide range of programming tasks, from writing small scripts to building large systems.

For that reason Scala has some features that are not needed by most programmers. The markup language support is a good example, <xml/> is actually a valid syntax in Scala.

Scala also has very relaxed syntax, that differentiates it from Kotlin and Java8 (which are other JVM strongly typed languages).

Relaxed syntax allows Scala fluent programming and to mimic other languages such as SQL. It is great for creating small domain-specific-languages (DSL) on top of Scala. However, the relaxed syntax comes at the cost of clarity. Stricter syntax makes code more deterministic, and thus easier to read and understand. Relaxed syntax also makes compiler more complicated, an compiler error messages harder to understand.

My point is that Scala is a strongly typed language. However, the relaxed syntax brings it closer to ‘weakly typed’ languages. So its syntax is ‘weakly typed’. The compiler is not as strict as it could be, and sometimes it generates unexpected code.

Scala does not require semicolons and dots on the member function calls. Some expressions are finished by the end-of-line, but some are not. That might cause unexpected results. ` SortedMap, in this example, should be instantiated with reverse order comparator, but the call to the reverseOrder` comparator is ignored because it is on the second line. Another problem is on the last line, where the wrong method is called:

def put(a:Any, b:Any): Unit = {}

import java.util.Collections.reverseOrder

val map = new java.util.TreeMap[Integer, String]

map.put(1,"one")  // this works
map put(2,"two")  // this works as well
  put(3,"two")  //put is local method, not map.put

Complex conditions usually have each statement on a new line. But that might not be possible in Scala:

// all in parenthesis, works fine
  || false){

// multiline condition does not work
val condition =
  || 1==2

In Scala any sequence of characters could be a method name. Extra space might be needed if = is part of method name:

assert(-1 == -1)
// this expression does not work without extra space, 
// `==-` might be a valid function name
assert(-1 ==-1)

Tuples are build into Scala syntax, pair is created with a simple (1,2) expression. However, because the parenthesis in Scala are overloaded for many uses, that may lead to confusing situations:

val buf =
  mutable.Buffer[(Int, String)]()
// no parenthesis causes error, because Type is referred instead of
// mutable.Buffer[(Int, String)]

buf += ((1, "aa"))

// Pair needs two parenthesis, single parenthesis will fail
buf += (1, "aa")

And finally, probably the most relaxed part of the Scala syntax: lambda expressions. Scala is built around lambdas; if, else, for and other languages constructs can be translated as call to a method, which takes a lambda as a parameter.

There are several ways to create lambda. It can be wrapped with ( or { , sometimes parenthesis are not required.

It is also not clear when lambda is invoked. For example this example could create a value with String type, but also a value which holds a lambda type:

val str:String = {
  //lambda returns string
  "some string"
// ^^ Kotlin requires () here

Here is a reason why I wrote this blog post. In example bellow, the first lambda is not invoked at all. The problem is in () => part, it renders the lambda as unexecutable. I will leave it as homework for reader to find out why. We did not found this problem at quick code review, it was latter discovered by unit tests.

/** this method takes lambda as parameter, measures its execution time */
def stopwatch(computation: => Unit): Long = {
  val s = System.currentTimeMillis()
  System.currentTimeMillis() - s

stopwatch{ () =>
  println("First called")   // << this code is never invoked

  println("Second called")  // << this is executed

And in the end, something for your own amusement. Scala uses => arrow in lambda calls. But Java8 and Kotlin have decided to use -> arrow instead, and here is the why:



James Ward • 4 years ago

In your stopwatch() example the parameter isn't actually a lambda. 
It is a by-name parameter.

If you want to take a lambda that is Unit => Unit then you'd need 
to do:

def stopwatch(computation: () => Unit): Long = {
val s = System.currentTimeMillis()
System.currentTimeMillis() - s

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Blatant_Bolt • 4 years ago

your computation lambda example is an issue, but I noticed it 

However, I'm not sure it is better in other languages once you
go past this Unit example --

def stopwatch(computation: Task[Unit]): Long = {
val s = System.currentTimeMillis()
System.currentTimeMillis() - s

where Task has a 'run' method. One may forget to run it --
 any code lifted up into a context and lazily executed can have this issue. All of the built in functions, etc. All 'function-ish' types have this problem and no language you mention here solves it.

There was a discussion on scala-internals not too long ago
 about having a type be able to declare that it should not be left as an 'unused' value in a statement without a compiler warning. => Unit could be one such built-in type, and users could say '@functionType class Task ...' Then, the compiler would not allow the type to dangle in a statement without being executed.

After all, this is valid java:

long stopwatch(Runnable computation) = {
long s = System.currentTimeMillis();
return System.currentTimeMillis() - s;

'=> Unit' is just a syntactic sugar tool for '() => Unit' with 
slightly different syntactical behavior in various positions in the source.

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    Jan Kotek Blatant_Bolt • 4 years ago

    Problem with lambda code in Scala is that there are two ways, 
    and one of them is not working. We wrote unit test for `stopwatch` method and it worked (with second case from blogpost). Than it stopped to work when first case was used.

    Java code where ` `is never invoked would not 
    pass `stopwatch` unit tests. It would be much easier to 
    discover it problem.